the creative process, world building, writing

‘companion animals’; progress and an excerpt

First order of business, my accountability to myself: today’s word count target was not just met, but more than doubled! Each week I work on this project, I’m able to produce just a little bit more than I did the week before.

So that’s exciting. And, after sharing the first chapter draft with @amaraqwolf for a bit of external feedback, I feel more comfortable discussing the nature of what I’m working on here with less ambiguity, and providing you with a short excerpt!

Continue reading “‘companion animals’; progress and an excerpt”
site updates

various and sundry housekeeping

Some updates to the site:

  • rearranged some of the navigation on the home page because it was driving me bonkers, but more importantly:
  • top-level navigation pages for horror and weird fiction podcast recommendations (“the radio”), including links to specific stories! In time the drop-down menu will be expanded to include audio drama and some other stuff that feeds the brain goblins lurking in my brain swamp

if you feel so inclined you may also check out my Ko-fi page, where I am hoping to make my words work for me enough to afford a better camera for stalking unsuspecting urban wildlife.

it is a sunny and yet bitterly cold day here in Toronto, but it is also Friday, and that is worth a bit of celebration.